If you have an older heat pump, it may be time to consider replacement. While your heat pump has served you well, all HVAC equipment eventually reaches the end of its lifecycle. The good news is that when your heat pump does need to be replaced, there are many options available. Heat pump replacement can be a significant investment, so it’s important to know what you should expect and what you should watch for.
A heat pump uses an indoor and outdoor unit to draw in air from the surrounding environment to both heat and cool your home. It then transfers the heat to or from the environment depending on the season and your heating and cooling needs.
You can save money on your energy bills by using a heat pump for both heating and cooling. Additionally, a heat pump is an eco-friendly option, using renewable resources instead of fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions.
Heat pumps are more efficient than traditional furnaces and air conditioners. However, their efficiency is only as high as your local climate. In colder climates, heat pumps cannot efficiently operate, and you’ll likely need to add supplemental heating to your home.
The best way to minimize the upfront cost of a new heat pump is to take advantage of energy-efficiency rebates, incentives, and tax credits. You should also ask your HVAC contractor if they offer financing or flexible payment plans.
You should understand that your ductwork must be properly sized for your heat pump to function optimally. Improperly sized ductwork wastes energy, causes hot and cold spots, and lowers system lifespan. A professional can conduct a duct analysis to determine whether your ductwork is sized correctly for your new equipment.
During humid months, heat pumps pull moisture from the air in your home, which then condenses into water. This moisture is typically drained down a floor drain or sump pump. However, if your home construction or obstructions prevent this from occurring, you’ll need a condensation pump that moves the moisture elsewhere.
When you install a new heat pump, it should come with 15 feet of drain line. If you need more than this amount, your HVAC contractor will charge an additional fee for each extra foot of line.
Your HVAC technician should ensure your thermostat is compatible with the new equipment and run any necessary wiring. You’ll need a thermostat that works with the new heat pump to use all of its features. If you want to keep your current thermostat, your HVAC technician will need to install a compatible new wired or wireless thermostat.
If you’re ready to start saving on your energy bills and reducing your carbon footprint, a heat pump replacement is a smart choice. Make sure you recognize the signs your heat pump is nearing the end of its service life and speak with an expert to discuss your options. The professionals at Sanborn’s Air Conditioning & Heating can help you address any existing problems and explore new heat pump options when it’s time for a replacement.