Tips to Build Instagram Comments Into Your Marketing Campaign

build Instagram comments

If you are using the “Like” or “Share” buttons that appear on many of the popular social networking sites, you should really start building Instagram comments. Why? Because comments are so much more valuable to potential customers than just the like and share buttons. That’s why:

A “Like” is a relatively simple thing to do. You go to a Facebook page or an Instagram page, and you click your mouse button to like something. When the page loads up, it only takes a second for the page to display a little blurb about whatever it is that you liked. Most people take that one second to really evaluate what they liked about what they saw and if it meets their requirements for what they want to buy. Once they like something, usually they will go ahead and post a review on their own website or send a link to their friends.

However, there is one major problem with this scenario. The people who posted the content you liked are not going to be those same people who write posts for your product or services. Instead, these folks will be random internet marketers who are looking for an opportunity to get their hands on some cash. Those who like what they see may actually end up being affiliates of your product or service. That means you are potentially marketing to a group of folks who will turn into actual paying customers.

A “Share” button is a little trickier. What you really want to do is build a network of real people who are interested in your product. You can do this through a number of different methods. For instance, if you have an Instagram account, you can encourage people to tag photos of what they are eating, drinking, or otherwise enjoying while using the app. Those who like the photos can easily share them on their own accounts, or you can encourage them to forward the photos on to their network.

Another option is to make it easier for your followers to share your content by making it available as a post. Simply add a caption to each photo and include a link back to your page or website. This creates an opportunity for folks to click on the link and be taken to your website. Once they like what they see, chances are they’ll like what they’ve read as well and may end up sharing the post with their network.

Instagram comments are a great way to build brand recognition for your products and services. However, there are some considerations you need to make. First, make sure that your content is appropriate for the platform. It wouldn’t do your company any good to have a bunch of sexual comments about women. It would also be problematic to post something vulgar if you aren’t planning to make the comments private once they begin to circulate. There are a few other guidelines you should be aware of when it comes to the best way to build Instagram comments into the marketing mix.